    Stephen Kitt Oberbeck

 Communications Skills & Services
1119 Periwinkle Way #145
Sanibel FL 33957-4715<>

                                            Better business communications...

                                                                ...Begin with the "WHAM?" factor

    WHAM:  "What Here Affects Me?"  That's really what we want to know from any communication.  It's what every business audience (of one or many) wants to know first when you present ideas or information, in writing or in person.

    That's why the WRITE TO THE POINT ®  communications seminar teaches message Senders how to use the "WHAM?" factor to get ATTENTION and ACTION with a focus on KEY CONCERNS all Receivers look for:

            1. WHAM? -- What Here Affects Me?
            2. WTP? -- What's the Point?
            3. WATT? -- What Action to Take?

    WRITE TO THE POINT® is an intensive, interactive seminar that shows how to develop key points (and really get them across) in written, audio/visual or media presentations. It motivates by giving people a practical program showing how to combine content and delivery skills.  It teaches you how to trouble-shoot and fine-tune your presentations and how to strengthen and streamline all your communications.

    Our in-person seminars combine hands-on writing and stand-up exercises with group discussion to develop and coordinate your new content and delivery skills. You're guided by a seasoned business-writer/trainer who introduces winning techniques that help you:

                    o View visibility as opportunity
                    o Overcome nervousness, build confidence
                    o Capture/hold audience attention
                    o Develop positive body language
                    o Target/tailor presentations for results
                    o Organize key information for impact
                    o Build interest with visuals
                    o Handle stress Q & A exchanges with authority
                    o Identify a confident personal style

    All messages (business or otherwise)are "presentations"-- whether on paper, on-screen, across a desk or from a podium. This program helps you Find & Feature your key points up front whether you stand up and talk or sit down and write. Why? Because message SENDERS may want ACTION...but RECEIVERS want to SKIM.

    That's why SENDERS must make messages easy to process from the top down.  In WRITE TO THE POINT®, you learn to nail your points in language that's ABC--Active, Brief, and Clear.  We'll show you how to de-mystify communications jobs, using our Actors & Actions barometers:  the easiest messages to understand and buy into reflect the reality of real people actually doing things--not passive "company-voice" phrases sounding like "News From Nowhere".

    Email has cured most business people of talking annoying gobbledygook,  but they still take too many words to make a point...Worse, they still leave their points out there where they discovered them--at the end of their thought process!  That makes a reader or listener plow through paragraphs before your point comes clear.  With our program, you'll stop putting your reader/listener "on hold" by putting your points up front.  You'll be "in person...on point"  and learn to offer clear-cut "buy-in" steps in personal exchanges. You'll learn how to PAVE your messages: Person-alize, Act-ivate, Verb-alize, Edit.

    WRITE TO THE POINT® can be customized to meet your specific goals--using your business situations and language. Write or call Stephen Kitt Oberbeck (239-395-5802) to find out how much one day of WTTP can strengthen executive communications and presentation skills.

       Communications Is My Business

    Steve Oberbeck, who developed the much-imitated  WRITE TO THE POINT® program in 1981, has been a communications and writing skills consultant since 1978. A Newsweek editor and broadcaster for 10 years, he also was a senior public relations advisor at Mobil Corp., and a Philip Morris Cos. consultant.   He was Senior Consultant to Executive Communications Group in New York and worked with In-Person Communications in the U.S. and overseas.  He has written for top-tier corporate executives in the US, Europe and Asia, and been published widely in magazines and newspapers in the U.S. and overseas. He conducts writing workshops at the Barrier Island Group arts center on Sanibel Island, FL.

    His past business clients have included American Broadcasting Companies, American Stock Exchange, Ashland Oil, Bauer Group (Hamburg), Beneficial Corp., Chrysler Corp., CPC Int'l., Ericsson Group (Stockholm), Fidelity Investments, Green Spring Health Services, Hoffman-La Roche, Katz Broadcasting, Lipton, Merrill Lynch, Mobil Oil, Nomura Group (Tokyo & US), PepsiCo, Philip Morris (US & Europe), Price Waterhouse, Readers Digest Association, Saab Cars USA, J. Walter Thompson, Trotter Treadmills, United Technologies, Volkswagen of America and others.

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